I Didn't Do It Wiki
I Didn't Do It Wiki
I Didn't Do It Wiki
Lindy: Guys, I just want you to know how happy and grateful I am to be a part of this team. And I'm just as passionate about super happy yum yum whatever-the-heck- it's-called as you are.
Jasmine: We know you are, and we're glad you're here
Jasmine: Guys, this is cool. Congrats Lindz
Lindy: Thanks Jaz.
Lindy: You know I'm always here for you, right?
Jasmine: Of course.
Lindy: Were you really gonna drive a stake through my heart?
Jasmine: Only, because I love you.
Lindy and Jasmine, in Bite Club

Jasmine and Lindy (also known as Jindy) is the best friend pairing between Jasmine Kang and Lindy Watson. They have a sister-like friendship.

Jasmine and Lindy are portrayed by Piper Curda and Olivia Holt.

For the cast pairing, see Olivia and Piper.

Other Names

  • Lismine (Li/ndy and Ja/smine)
  • Jandy (Li/ndy and Ja/smine)
  • Jasdy (Jas/mine and Lin/dy)
  • Jindy (J/asmine and L/indy)
  • Lasmine (J/asmine and L/indy)
  • Jasmy (Jasm/ine and Lind/y)


Season 1

The Pilot

Screenshot 2014-01-09-22-03-30
  • They (along with the rest of the gang) get in trouble for the party.
  • They both go to the party.
  • They hung out a bit in DITKA High School.
  • Jasmine complained to Lindy about being way behind on boys and Lindy told Jasmine that high school wasn't just about boys.
  • They both saw Delia with four boys.

Fireman Freddy's Spaghetti Station

Jasmine and Lindy
  • Jasmine tells Lindy what her grade was in a recent test which was an A and Lindy tells her that her grade was an A+
  • Lindy one-upped Jasmine.
  • Jasmine (and Delia, Logan, and Garrett) helped Lindy when she was getting attacked by ten-year-olds.
  • Jasmine told Delia about Lindy taking her job.

The New Guy

  • They sat next to each other while doing mani-peddies.
  • They (along with the rest of the gang) hung out at Rumble Juice and in Lindy and Logan's basement.
  • They (along with Delia)didn't vote for Logan and Garrett's ideas.
  • They (along with Delia) both voted for mani-peddies.
  • They watched Amour Amour Amour with Garrett, Logan and Delia.
  • They (along with the gang) gasp when Tom explains his story.
  • They (along with the rest of the gang) voted to get rid of Tom.
  • Jasmine and Lindy sat with Tom at Rumble Juice and got annoyed when he told the same story again.
  • Lindy and Jasmine looked at each other in confusion when Tom was repeating his story
  • They both gave Garrett a weird look when he said that Tom was having a mini panic attack.

Dear High School Self

The Girls Fighting
  • Jasmine is very curious to find out what Lindy is hiding.
  • Lindy tells Jasmine and the gang that she doesn't care about the letter she wrote when she was younger anymore.
  • Jasmine becomes mad at Lindy when she finds out what was in the letter.
  • When Logan was talking to Jasmine about her being wrong, Lindy said she was right.
  • When the gang was hugging, Jasmine and Lindy were next to each other.
  • They (along with Delia and Logan) ran out of the classroom when they saw the rat sitting on Garrett's shoulder.
  • In Delia's dream Jasmine and Lindy (and Logan, Garrett, and Delia) were speaking Delia's language (Delionics).
  • They were arguing (along with Delia), but made up later

If It Tastes Like a Brussels Sprout

Jasmine and Lindy IITLBS
  • Jasmine tells Lindy about her and Logan's spray.
  • Lindy tells Jasmine (and Logan) not to expect too much from the spray.
  • Jasmine felt bad for Lindy when Logan was torturing her.
  • Jasmine asked Logan to let Lindy in the project and although he declined, she let Lindy in any way.
  • When Lindy tells the gang how happy she is to be in the group, Jasmine hugs her.
  • They were both smiling when they hugged
  • Jasmine and Lindy (and Delia and Garrett) vomited on Logan.
  • They sat next to each other in the cafeteria at school.
  • They were near each other in the waiting room before going on TV.


300px-I Didn't Do It - -Lindy-licious- Promo
  • They both had some boy trouble.
  • Jasmine (along with Delia) told Lindy about Cole having a crush on her.
  • Lindy and Jasmine were seen at school together (with Delia).
  • They were in Rumble Juice (along with Logan, Garrett, and Delia).
  • They were in the movie theatre
  • They were talking privately.

Snow Problem

Lindy Putting on Cast
  • They both liked the cabin at first
  • When Lindy said, "No one loves snowboarding more than I do", Jasmine said " And no one loves snowboarders more than I do. They're at the top of my dude pyramid"
  • Lindy told Jasmine that not everything was about guys and didn't want her to know she was crushing on Dash
  • Lindy told Jasmine that the cold air would give her a nice glow
  • When Garrett revealed the truth about Lindy, Jasmine said she was proud of her for doing it for a boy
  • Jasmine hugged Lindy
  • Jasmine helped Lindy with her inflatable cast
  • Lindy called Jasmine Jaz
  • Lindy was concerned when Jasmine screamed and asked her what was wrong.
  • They both (along with Garrett and Logan) saw Delia's one-woman show and were sitting next to each other.

Now Museum, Now You Don't

  • They were in the museum
  • Lindy told Jasmine (and Logan, Garrett, and Delia) about her museum internship.
  • Jasmine said that Lindy's internship was cool and congratulated her
  • Lindy smiled and thanked Jasmine for congratulating her.
  • Even though Jasmine liked Logan's t-shirt, she suddenly pretended not to for Lindy
  • Jasmine said that Lindy was acting a lot like Logan
  • Lindy helped Jasmine (and Delia) with her problem

In the Doghouse with the White House

  • They both went on the Washington DC trip.
  • They both looked at Delia when she snuggled the dog.
  • Lindy and Jasmine (along with Delia) shared a room in the hotel.
  • Jasmine called Lindy Hon.
  • Jasmine (and Delia) helped Lindy when she was locked outside.
  • Jasmine called Lindy twice on the phone.
  • They (along with the rest of the gang) were both accused of stealing the president's dog.

Earth Boys Are Icky

What did Delia just say
  • They were sitting next to each other in the school cafeteria.
    It can't be!
  • Jasmine asked Lindy if she wanted to go to a party and didn't want to go without her.
  • Lindy was upset with Jasmine when she thought their friendship was based upon that everyone liked Lindy.
  • Jasmine said she was Lindy's best friend.
  • Lindy and Jasmine stood next to each other when they thought they saw aliens.
  • Jasmine, again, asked Lindy about the party, and she said she'd let her know.
  • They both had shocked looks on their faces when they thought they had seen aliens
  • They were next to each other for most of the episode.

Lindy Nose Best

  • Jasmine and Lindy both had their own plots - Jasmine dating Logan and Lindy trying to make peace with her teacher.
  • Lindy walked in on Jasmine when she was on a date with her boyfriend, Logan.
  • When Lindy asked Jasmine what she and Logan were doing, Jasmine told Lindy they were on a date.
  • Lindy encouraged Jasmine to date Logan "for real".
  • Lindy helped Jasmine realize she had "real" feelings for Logan.
  • Jasmine told Logan she had been thinking about what Lindy had said.
  • They were in the basement.
  • Jasmine told Lindy she always stuck her nose in other people's business.
  • Lindy sat next to Jasmine (and Logan) in the basement.

Merry Miss Sis

  • They were sitting next to each other at lunch.
  • Lindy held Jasmine's hand across the table.
  • Lindy tells Jasmine to stay away from Dean - who is a bad boy - showing she's trying to protect her.
  • It was revealed that Lindy always protects Jasmine from boys, possibly meaning she wants Jasmine to be with the right guy.
  • Jasmine and Lindy both seemed the most relieved when Logan stood up.

Season 2

Slumber Partay

  • They were at Rumble Juice and sat next to each other
  • Lindy invited Jasmine (and Delia) to her slumber party
  • They had fun together
  • Jasmine (and Delia) loved Lindy's party and she said she can't wait for the next one and smiled
  • Lindy asked Jasmine how her test went, and she told her she aced it.
  • They high fived
  • Lindy wanted Jasmine to watch finish watching a movie with her
  • When Lindy said, "I just had a long talk with myself. It was eleven, eleven", Jasmine turned to her with a smile and asked, "Ooh, with all the ones? I love it when it does that."

The Not-So-Secret Lives of Mosquitos and Muskrats

Jasmine and Lindy - TNSSLOMAM
  • They both hated their arch-rival school, along with everyone else
  • When Lindy said, "Is it just me, or does the birds sing a little louder whenever we pound the living delights out of Makida High?", Jasmine said, " Amen, sister", to her
  • They were in the basement
  • Lindy called Jasmine, Jaz
  • Jasmine warned Lindy to stop seeing Jake
  • Jasmine stood with Lindy when she said she wanted to follow her heart. Jasmine put her arm around Lindy
  • Lindy smiled when Jasmine said she stood with Lindy
  • Jasmine kept her arm around Lindy as they left the gym.

Lindy Goes to the Dogs

JasmineandLindy - Lindy Goes to the Dogs
  • They were outside Rumble Juice
  • Jasmine was the first to notice Lindy and Franklin
  • Lindy introduced Jasmine to Franklin
  • They stood next to each other
  • Jasmine said she would get Lindy a smoothie
  • Lindy told Jasmine that her name didn't rhyme with fashion, and Jasmine told Lindy she had to say it fast
  • They were in the basement.
  • Jasmine called Lindy, Lindz.

Dog Date Afternoon!

Jasmine and Lindy DDA
  • They were in Lindy's Bedroom
  • Lindy let Jasmine use her excise ball
  • They hung out with Delia
  • Jasmine thanked Lindy for letting her use the ball
  • Lindy (and Delia) was shocked when she saw how much Jasmine had changed her appearance
  • Lindy told Delia to get Jasmine shoes and to make her look young again

Logan Finds Out!

Jindy LFO
  • Lindy seemed upset that Jasmine never told her that she really liked Logan
  • Even though Lindy seemed a little weirded out about Jasmine liking Logan, she still seemed supportive about her crush
  • After Jasmine threatened to hurt Garrett for spilling her crush on Logan, she sat back on the couch and Lindy held her arm, whilst looking at her worriedly
  • They sat next to each other on the couch at Rumble Juice
  • Lindy asked Jasmine if she was okay and she said she was fine, even though she didn't seem to be.
  • Lindy called Jasmine sweetie and Jaz
  • When Lindy said, "Sweetie, you don't have to hide this from us. Liking someone is a good thing. Even if it is my brother", Jasmine gave Lindy a small smile.
  • They sat next to each other in Rumble Juice.
  • When Jasmine came into Rumble Juice, she said "Hey" to Lindy (and Logan) and Lindy said, "Hi", to Jasmine
  • Jasmine asked Lindy (and her friends) to keep her secret and Lindy encouraged Jasmine to tell Logan her feelings for him
  • After Logan had recollided with Erin and left Rumble Juice with her, Jasmine almost cried over him. Lindy asked Jasmine if she's okay in a worried tone, and she said no. Lindy then said, "You know I'm always here for you, right?", and Jasmine said, " Of course", whilst almost crying and Lindy hugged Jasmine.

Food Fight

  • Jasmine asked for Lindy's (and Delia's) advice on babysitting
  • They were sitting next to each other on the couch in Rumble Juice twice in the episode.
  • They hung out together
  • Lindy looked at Jasmine when Delia was talking
  • They both looked confused when Delia was talking
  • They ate lunch together

Stevie Likes Lindy

Jindy - SLL
  • They hung out together at Rumble Juice
  • Lindy wanted Jasmine to introduce her to Stevie, which she did
  • Jasmine called Lindy the fourth richest person in the conversation
  • They were sitting next to each other on the couch in the basement

Falling for... Who?

Lindy and Jasmine FFW
  • Jasmine and Lindy were in Rumble Juice together alone, before Logan, Erin, Delia, and Brandon came in
  • They were on the fall dance planning comity together, along with Delia
  • Lindy and Jasmine were working on the banner for the fall dance together
  • Jasmine wanted to tell Lindy (and Logan) that she had started dating Owen
  • Lindy said she was happy for Jasmine that she had started dating Owen, but was also sad because she wanted Jasmine and Logan to be together

Lindy and Logan's Brrrrthday

  • Jasmine wanted to make Lindy (and Logan's) 16th birthday extra-special
  • Jasmine was arguing with Delia about who was Lindy's best friend, and Jasmine said she was
  • Jasmine knew what Lindy's favorite flavor of the cake was.

Cheer Up Girls

JasmineandLindy Cheer Up Girls
  • They sat next to each other at a sports game
  • They both had confused looks on their faces when Delia was talking
  • Jasmine and Lindy, along with Delia, created their own cheerleading squad
  • Lindy and Jasmine were in Lindy's bedroom, along with Delia
  • They watched Raelynn's performance at Rumble Juice, along with everyone else
  • They were next to each other during the performance
  • Lindy and Jasmine were in the basement together, with Delia
  • Jasmine told Delia to be quiet when Lindy was reading a book and Jasmine told Lindy to continue.

Elementary, My Dear Watson

  • They were at Rumble Juice and were sitting next to each other
  • They sat next to each other in the basement
  • Jasmine wanted to go to Lindy's uncle's boat with her
  • Lindy called Jasmine Jaz a couple of times
  • Jasmine visited Lindy in her bedroom.
  • When Lindy fell into the water and screamed, Jasmine was immediately alerted and asked if she was okay
  • They were sitting next to each other quite a lot in the episode
  • Lindy and Jasmine spent a lot of time together in this episode
  • They both looked confused when a lady was talking
  • They stood very close together
  • Jasmine called Lindy Linds
  • Jasmine wanted to prove to Lindy that she was spontaneous
  • They both (along with Garrett, Delia, and Kevin) gasped when Logan said Betty stole her own horn
  • They sat next to each other in Rumble Juice.

Drum Beats, Heart Beats

  • Jasmine said "hi" to Lindy when she came into the basement
  • Lindy noticed Jasmine when she came into the basement
  • Jasmine and Lindy talk about the drum lessons
  • Lindy asked Jasmine how the drum lessons were going and she said awesome
  • Jasmine told Lindy that she and Logan had a romantic moment.
  • Lindy helped Jasmine realize she still loved Logan

Bite Club

Jasmine & Lindy - BC
  • They were walking to Rumble Juice together
  • They were at Rumble Juice together
  • Jasmine called Lindy, Linds
  • Jasmine tried to convince Lindy that a guy was a vampire
  • When Vlad helped Lindy walk into Rumble Juice after giving blood, Jasmine asked what happened, showing Jasmine was worried that Lindy could barely walk and looked faint
    Jasmine and Lindy - BC
  • Lindy called Jasmine, Jaz
  • Jasmine was worried when she noticed that Lindy had bite marks on her neck. Jasmine asked Lindy if she was okay before noticing the bite marks
  • Lindy scared Jasmine, by trying to convince her that she was a vampire
  • They were gonna watch a movie together
  • When Lindy asked Jasmine, "Why do you have a wooden stake in your purse?", Jasmine said, " I joined the whittling club". Lindy then gave Jasmine a look and she said, "Okay, I thought you were a vampire". Lindy then asked, " Were you really gonna drive a stake through my heart?", and Jasmine said, "Only, because I love you".
  • They hugged
  • They spent a lot of time together
  • They sat next to each other in Rumble Juice, at the end of the episode.
  • Jasmine told Lindy that vampires didn't appear in pictures.

The Rescuers

Lindy and Jas
  • Lindy and Jasmine both help save the animal rescue-shelter, along with the rest of the group
  • They are in the basement
  • Lindy doesn't seem to like Jasmine's first idea to save the shelter
  • They are outside Lindy's bedroom together, with Delia
  • Jasmine admits to Lindy (and Delia) she still has feelings for Logan
  • They have a scene together (with Delia).
  • They are standing next to each other when Betty is performing
  • Jasmine and Lindy both perform in the band
  • Whilst singing, Lindy gets closer to Jasmine and puts her arm around her
  • Before Jasmine walks up to Logan, she is talking with Lindy and Delia, and Lindy tells Jasmine Logan loves her, making her extremely happy
  • Lindy is very excited and very happy for Jasmine when she and Logan share their first kiss, finally become a couple "for real", "get back together", and admit they love each other, because she has wanted Jasmine and Logan to be together and she ships Jogan.
  • Jasmine and Lindy group hug with Logan, Delia, and Garrett.
  • Jasmine smiles and agrees with Lindy about calling the band name 'The Rescuers'.
  • When Lindy says, "I love you guys", Jasmine says, "We love you too, Linds."



  • Both are female.
  • Both got in trouble for the party.
  • Both go to DITKA High School
  • Both have brown eyes.
  • Both have the same Spanish teacher, Mr. Leech.
  • Both(along with Delia) love mani-peddies.
  • Both had a crush on Tom Bigham
  • Both wear contact lenses.
  • Both hang out at Rumble Juice.
  • Both have the same friends - Logan, Garrett, and Delia
  • Both are straight A students.
  • They've both had a boyfriend
  • Both love when the digital clock shows eleven, eleven, with all the ones.
  • They both have a nickname for each other - Jasmine calls Lindy sister and Lindy calls Jasmine sweetie.
  • They both sometimes call Delia sweetie
  • They are both musically talented - Jasmine plays the drums and Lindy sings
  • They're both a part of a band - The Rescuers (along with Logan, Garrett, and Delia).
  • They both know Logan somehow - they're both friends with him, Lindy is also his sister, and Jasmine is also his girlfriend.


  • Lindy has blonde hair while Jasmine has brown hair with highlights.
  • Jasmine plays the cello and Lindy does not.
  • Jasmine plays the drums and Lindy doesn't
  • Lindy sings and Jasmine doesn't
  • Lindy does gymnastics while Jasmine doesn't.
  • Jasmine is kind of boy crazy while Lindy is not.
  • Jasmine is afraid of Flamey the dog while Lindy is not.
  • Lindy has a brother and Jasmine doesn't.
  • Jasmine is a fashionista and Lindy is more interested in school.
  • Lindy wants to stay healthy and Jasmine doesn't care.
  • Lindy is older than Jasmine
  • Jasmine has a boyfriend (Logan), but Lindy doesn't.
  • It is known that Lindy has siblings, (Logan) but it is unknown whether or not Jasmine has any siblings.
  • Its shown and proven that Jasmine ends up with Logan in the near future, but it's unknown who Lindy ends up with.
  • Jasmine has kissed her boyfriend, Logan, but Lindy hasn't kissed any of her boyfriends
  • Jasmine has admitted to loving her boyfriend, Logan, but Lindy has never admitted it to any of her boyfriends.
  • Jasmine is in a serious relationship, (with Logan) but Lindy isn't.
  • Jasmine plays the drums and Lindy doesn't
  • Jasmine can play bass and Lindy can't
  • Lindy can be more serious than Jasmine at times
  • It is known that Lindy has siblings (Logan) but it's unknown if Jasmine has any siblings
  • Jasmine knows what it's like to suffer from heartbreak, (when losing her chance with Logan) but Lindy hasn't


  • Lindy became friends with Jasmine when they were little because she saw Jasmine hitting Logan with her backpack.
  • They went to Fireman Freddy's when they were little along with Garrett, Delia, and Logan.
  • They've known each other since third grade.
  • It is proven in The Rescuers that Jasmine and Logan could potentially have a future together, (get married) so it's possible that Lindy and Jasmine could potentially become sisters-in-law in the near future.
  • They both have a nickname for each other - Jasmine calls Lindy sister and Lindy calls Jasmine sweetie.
  • Jasmine is dating Logan who is her best friend's (Lindy) brother.
  • They have Spanish together
  • They are similar to Ally and Trish from Austin & Ally. Jasmine is like Ally and Lindy is like Trish.


  • Number - 12 because Lindy has 5 letters in her name and Jasmine has 7. 5+7=12
  • Colour - Brown because they both have brown eyes.
  • Episode (s) - Dear High School Self: Jasmine becomes mad with Lindy when she learns she wanted better friends when they were younger, which means Lindy's friendship means a lot to Jasmine.
    • If It Tastes Like a Brussels Sprout - Jasmine feels sorry for Lindy when Logan doesn't want her on the product team and when Lindy is finally included, Jasmine tells her how happy she is to have her included and hugs her.
    • Logan Finds Out!: Lindy, at first, is upset that Jasmine has never told her that she likes Logan, but assures her that she doesn't have to keep it a secret from her or their friends. When Lindy sees that Jasmine is about to cry over Logan, she tells her that she will always there for her no matter what.
    • Elementary, My Dear Watson: Lindy and Jasmine spend a lot of time together when they spend the weekend on a boathouse.
    • Bite Club: Jasmine and Lindy spend a lot of time together on Halloween night, wanting to watch scary movies.


Season 1

Fireman Freddy's Spaghetti Station

Jasmine: Check it out, I got an A on Mr. Leches Spanish test!
Lindy: I'm so excited for you! You know, that was a really hard test. I actually got an A+

Dear High School Self

Jasmine: Do you have any idea what we did for you?! We went through the trashroom, we snuck into the post office, trashed Mrs. Baccock's classroom!
Lindy: Oh, Mrs. Baccock? How does she look?
Jasmine: Pretty good for 73.

Lindy: I feel awful!
Jasmine: Why? We're just the friends you're stuck with until you get better ones.

Lindy: Look guys, just let me explain!
Jasmine: Here's an idea - when you get your better friends,....explain it to them.

Jasmine:.....You could have just told us that from the beginning
Lindy: I didn't want you to know I ever felt that way. Even for a silly third grade minute.

If It Tastes Like a Brussels Sprout

Lindy: Guys, I just want you to know how happy and grateful I am to be a part of this team. And I'm just as passionate about super happy yum yum whatever-the-heck- it's-called as you are.
Jasmine: (puts her arm around Lindy) We know you are, and we're glad you're here.

Snow Problem

Lindy: No one loves snowboarding more than I do.
Jasmine: And no one loves snowboarders more than I do. They're at the top of my dude pyramid.

(After Jasmine screams)
Lindy: Jaz, what is it?! A mouse? A rat?
Jasmine: Worse. I left my makeup bag at home.

Jasmine: So you tell me one thing and thèn go behind my back and do the exact opersite? For a boy?!
Lindy: I know Jaz, I am-
Jasmine: (hugs Lindy) I am so proud of you!

Now Museum, Now You Don't

Jasmine: Guys, this is cool. Congrats Lindz.
Lindy: Thanks Jaz.

Season 2

Slumber Partay

Lindy: I just had a very long talk with myself. It was eleven, eleven.
Jasmine: Ooh, with all the ones? I love it when it does that.

Lindy: Hey, how did your test go?
Jasmine: Aced it!
Lindy: Alright!
(They high five.)

The Not-So-Secret Lives of Mosquitos and Muskrats

Lindy: Is it just me, or does the birds sing a little louder whenever we pound the living delights out of Makida High?
Jasmine: Amen, sister.

Lindy Goes to the Dogs

Jasmine: (sees Franklin) Oh, my gosh, that is the cutest puppy ever!
Lindy: This is Franklin, Franklin this is Jasmine.

Lindy: Jasmine Fashion? That doesn't rhyme.
Jasmine: You gotta say it fast.

Logan Finds Out!

Jasmine: Well, I'm here. What did you guys wanna tell me?
Lindy: Okay, I'm just gonna rip the bandage off. We know you like Logan.

Lindy: You okay?
Jasmine: I'm fine.
Lindy: Sweetie, you don't have to hide this from us. Liking someone is a good thing. Even if it is my brother.
Jasmine: (gives a small smile)

(After Logan leaves Rumble Juice with Erin)
Lindy: Are you okay, Jaz?
Jasmine: (about to cry) No, but...I will be
Lindy: You know I'm always here for you, right?
Jasmine: (sad smiles) Of course

Drum Beats, Heart Beats

Jasmine: Hey
Lindy: Hey Jaz.

Lindy: I gotta go, I'll see you guys later.
Jasmine: See ya.

Bite Club

Lindy: Were you really gonna drive a stake through my heart?
Jasmine: Only, because I love you. If you were a zombie, I would have shot you in the brain.
Lindy: That is the nicest thing you've ever said to me.

Lindy: Let me show you guys one from our Halloween. We got a great shot with Vlad, the blood drive guy. Jaz thought he was a vampire.
Jasmine: I was just playing along....
Lindy: Okay, here it is. (shows picture)
Jasmine: Wait a minute. Why isn't he in the picture?
Lindy: That's weird, he was standing right next to me
Jasmine: (turns to Lindy) Linds...vampires don't appear in pictures.
Lindy: (takes phone out of Jasmine's hand) Then, that means... (laughing) Oh, wait, this was the picture Vlad was in.

The Rescuers

Jasmine: The theme was R pies R-squared, get it? Pie R-squared, its mathy.
Lindy: Yeah, any other ideas?


To view the Jasmine and Lindy gallery, click here.
